Cardano & Bolognesi

Michele Cardano and Francesco Bolognesi are duo of directors born in Italy. They are young and quite tall. They love to find stories in commercials, in documentaries, in short movies but also with words and photographs. This is the most important thing for them: find a story and told it in the most powerful way. Their style is elegant and characterized by great attention to storytelling, seeking the best cinematic language to tell every kind of story. They both took a Humanities degree, went to film school – where they met each other – and travelled around the world, by themselves and for work: just before the pandemic they went on a trip for NatGeo in North and South America for 7 weeks. In 2020 Francesco has published his book “Dimenticare nostro padre” by 66th and 2nd. On the cover you can see one of Michele’s pictures. Their short film “Pianura Innocent” was released in 2022. The protagonists of the film are three kids who receive disturbing news in the middle of a hot afternoon. The short was selected in several festivals including Florida Film Festiva, Show Me Shorts Film Festival (New Zealand), Visioni Italiane in Bologna.


More works by Cardano & Bolognesi: